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About ICO

We designed BDTCOIN in such a way that users can exchange value with one another directly through a peer-to-peer network. Type of network where all users have equal power and are connected directly to each other without a central server. This allows data to be shared and stored, or BDTCOIN payments to be sent and received seamlessly between parties.


What is ICO and how can we benefit?

A process or event in which a start-up attempts to raise capital by selling a new cryptocurrency, which investors may purchase in that the value of the cryptocurrency will increase, or to later exchange for services offered.

The term "ICO" stands for "initial coin offering" and it refers to a popular method of raising funds for early-stage cryptocurrency projects. During an ICO, a blockchain-based startup creates a limited number of its own native digital coins and distributes them to early investors in exchange for other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ether. ICOs, a type of digital crowdfunding, allows startups to not only raise funds without giving up equity, but also to build a community of incentivized users who want the project to succeed so that the value of their pre-sale coins rises.

While ICOs can provide a simple funding mechanism and an innovative way for startups to raise funds, buyers can also benefit from both access to the service provided by the coin and a rise in.

There is a reason why ICOs are becoming more popular: the benefits for all parties involved. Many of the benefits for contributors also apply to founders. At the very least, these advantages encourage more contributors to choose ICOs over other investment options.

Availability of liquidity

Decentralized administration


Cost Variation

Reduced Competition

Invest Profits from Cryptocurrency

Availability of liquidity

Lack of liquidity is a common stumbling block for people looking for new investment opportunities. For many opportunities, capital will be unavailable for several years. Not only do ICOs provide investors with high liquidity, but the secondary market means that real-time pricing is based on the project's current value.

Decentralized administration

ICOs can be accessible to anyone, especially if the ICO accepts cryptocurrencies. Most ICOs only require that the contributor be able to transfer funds in time to purchase.


Not only can anyone invest in an ICO, but contributors can also invest at any time. This is in contrast to traditional startup funding models, in which it is nearly impossible to become an early investor unless you are in close contact with one of the founders.

Cost Variation

Because ICOs can be used to fund any project, coin values can vary greatly from startup to startup. This reduces risk while increasing the possibility of making a large profit. Furthermore, the ability to attract a large number of investors allows for multi-million dollar ICO projects.

Reduced Competition

Many projects struggle to find funding through traditional channels, particularly if they lack appeal for whatever reason. Sometimes this is simply due to geography (for example, the project is located outside of a major wealth centre) or the type of offering, which is especially true for non-profits. Because of the simple funding procedures of ICOs, any project can potentially receive funding.

Invest Profits from Cryptocurrency

Holders of cryptocurrency are frequently hesitant to use their wealth because they would rather not convert it to fiat and pay taxes on it. This means that cryptocurrencies continue to gain value while people are unable to access the wealth. ICOs are the ideal outlet. More investors are learning about the benefits of ICOs and are looking for new projects to invest in. When considering an ICO as a means of funding your idea, keep in mind the benefits for both your startup and investors.